One of the fondest memories for me when I was a child was that when I was first introduced to the Pokemon universe. I can't exactly remember what was first, the cards or the game, but what I do remember was how easily I was sucked into this completely new universe that was full of unique animals and fun adventures. 

I remember distinctly me getting Pokemon Red and a Gameboy for Christmas and my brother getting Pokemon Blue, unaware that we would actually need to work together to collect all the Pokemon available in the game. From the first gym battle all the way till the Elite Four, I was captivated and couldn't believe how immersive and fun a simple game could be. 

Choices like the starter Pokemon, Hitmonchan / Hitmonlee and Helix or Dome crafted a custom experience each time you ventured through the landscape! And it wasn't an issue starting the adventure over and over again either!

These memories is what inspired me to put together this Red vs Blue original card set. I wanted a physical representation of all the original Pokemon I encountered on those journeys all in their original forms. For fun I decided include the colourised versions of the original sprites to make them look a little more modern. 

I also included the original Pokedex entries which (some of them anyway) depicted these Pokemon in a little more of a realistic and worldly way than what we get today. 

Along with that I decided to give each evolution set a unique pixel background as well as their respective health bars and levels. Fun Fact! The levels on these cards are when that Pokemon would usually evolve (if it can). I decided to stop there as I believe the simplistic design of the cards makes an awesome impression. 

And of course I have to include my boy Missingno.! Amazingly we all discovered this glitch without the aid of the internet back in the day and catching him or using him to give you endless pokeballs / masterballs / rare candies was always a super fun way to play the game again after so many attempts. I think there was a time where I tried to defeat the Elite Four with just my Missingno.!

All 152 cards were super fun to put together and I really hope they bring you the nostalgic joy they brought me putting them together!

CAn't Beat an Original!

14 September 2024

When it comes to iconic pop culture phenomena, few can rival the sheer magnitude of the original 151 Pokémon. Released in the late 1990s, these first Pokémon captivated millions of fans around the world, sparking a global craze that has endured for decades. As an avid Pokémon enthusiast, I found myself deeply inspired by the release of the SV Mew 151 Set, leading me to create a full art card set dedicated to them!

The original 151 Pokémon, including my favourites like Psyduck 🦆, Charizard🔥🦎, Gengar 👻, and Jigglypuff 🎤, introduced me (and everyone else!) to a captivating world of adventure and discovery. These Pokémon were not just digital creatures; they were companions, each with their unique abilities, traits, and charm. The Pokémon series, which for me began with Pokémon Red and Blue, set the stage for a life long journey of fun!

One of the most remarkable aspects that I think made me fall in love with these original Pokémon is their diversity and creativity. From the fire-breathing Charizard to the serene Butterfree, each Pokémon was designed with meticulous attention to detail, showcasing the creativity of the designers and the expansive universe they exist in.

In designing this Full Art Card Set, I took all the amazing artwork showcased in the Mew 151 set and meticulously took each card individually and expanded out the artwork to create the full art effect! That in conjunction with access to amazing commercial printing equipment, allowed me to produce a high quality card set that looks, feels and displays like a regular set!

Due to the original artwork being so breathtaking, the final full art product is one of the most beautiful sets I have produced so far!

The original Pokémon had a profound impact on popular culture, influencing not just video games and trading cards, but also television shows, movies, and merchandise. This cultural impact is reflected in the continued popularity of Pokémon, which remains a beloved franchise to me and everyone else in the world to this day 🌎! By creating this art card set, I wanted to contribute to that legacy on some small level to show my appreciation of the franchise that has brought me so much joy!

In addition to the artistic aspect, the card set serves as a collector's item, allowing fans and lovers to own a unique set of cards that take the 151 set a little further.

As a fan and artist, the process of creating this art card set has been both fulfilling and inspiring. It allowed me to delve deeper into the world of Pokémon and explore my creative abilities. More importantly, it provided an opportunity to celebrate the original 151 Pokémon and their enduring legacy.

As reflected by the many reviews regarding this set, this is something that people who fell in love with the 151 set will really appreciate! Thanks to everyone who has purchased a set off me, I’m so glad you all loved them as much as I did making them! ❤️ 

The Timeless Charm of the Original 151 Pokémon: Inspiring a Full Art Card Set.

1 September 2024